Fiesta Liquid Selective Weed Killer as a lawn treatment or as needed at 12.5 oz. / 1,000 square feet. A second application in three to four weeks may be necessary with heavy weed pressure.
2 Pre-Summer Application Half Rate (June):
Quantum Growth Organic Total @ 1.5 oz. / 1,000 square feet.
Influence @ 3 oz. / 1,000 square feet.
Vitazyme Optional / If Needed for Growth @ 0.25 oz. / 1,000 square feet.
3 Fall Half Rate (Sept./Oct. when lawns come out of dormancy):
Quantum Growth Organic Total @ 1.5 oz. / 1,000 square feet.
Influence @ 3 oz. / 1,000 square feet.
Vitazyme Optional / If Needed for Growth @ 0.25 oz. / 1,000 square feet.
Fiesta Liquid Selective Weed Killer as a lawn treatment or as needed at 12.5 oz. / 1,000 square feet.
The products can be diluted in any amount of water based on how much water you apply per 1,000 square feet. For example, for the spring application, if you apply 1 gallon of water per 1,000 square feet then you would use QGOT @ 3 oz. Gallon, Influence at 6 oz. / Gallon of Water and Vitazyme at 0.5 oz. Gallon of water. !f you apply 2 gallon of water per 1,000 square feet then you would use the products at half the dilution since you are applying twice the water, so QGOT @ 1.5 oz. Gallon, Influence at 3 oz. / Gallon of Water and Vitazyme at 0.25 oz. Gallon of water.
There is a great free tool for Soil Temperatures found by CLICKING HERE (, just put in the zip code and use an average over several days to get a very accurate soil temperature reading in that location.
This is the basic core of your program. If you want to use organic weed control we can also add Branch Creek Safer Play 10-0-2 gluten steep at 4 lb. / 1,000 square feet with the spring application. Some users use a synthetic weed and feed in the spring map to kill the crabgrass cycle. We also have a great 6-0-4 fertilizer as well for green-ups.
Of course, we help you through all of this and will help you with any calculations or application questions.